Thursday, July 24, 2008

Summer full of memories...

It has been more than a joy to have Amy and the babies here! I would never get tired of it. However, it was quiet last night since they are visiting Bubby, and so I went to bed early, and that was nice.

I also had a few minutes to spend with Amanda, too. That was awesome. She will be leaving in just a couple of weeks, and I know she is so excited. I am excited for her. She will do great. I just continue to pray that God will use all of my children for His glory...a scary thing to pray sometimes.

I continue to thank God for the position at Take Care Health, but I will have to see more patients soon or I will lose my marbles! ha! I have enjoyed getting to know the store staff, and continue to ask God to use me to serve them, and to show them His love. I love that some of the young people congregate around my desk for some "mama love".

I need to make a list of adventures I would like for us to take in the next few weeks...

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