Thursday, December 13, 2007


Okay. So I just about hit the wall last night. The nurse at my clinic gave me my Avonex at 6p, I stopped for a couple of errands, and by the time I got home at 8p I could hardly get out of the car. I had fever and chills and agony until about 10:30p when I felt better even quicker than I had come apart. I felt bad that Amanda was here...I have tried to protect her from it as much as I can. I don't usually get so sick until about 6 hours after the shot and no one usually sees. Julie and James have been so faithful to check on me, take care of me, on Thursdays. I am a blessed woman. My biggest challenge has been to develop a way to be consistent in my thinking...writing every day would help, but I seem to have a hard time doing anything that requires discipline. It seems like the story of my biggest frustration. Will it get better? I pray.

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