Thursday, October 11, 2007

I'm Okay...

Since I haven't told anyone about this blog I can let go of the urge to say something profound...I like that. My brain is feeling a bit numb today, cluttered, dim. This is what the fatigue of MS feels like. Blah. There are so many things I want to accomplish and I can't seem to pull myself together to be productive. But I do look forward to posting on Thursdays, and I usually have a Coke, as a "reward". But I have had a couple this week already. Oh, well.

I will be picking Valerie up from the airport tonight. I miss her. I don't spend enough time with friends. There are so few people I feel like I can be tranparent with, but that is my fault...I don't take the time to develop the friendships. I have taken comfort in enveloping myself in home. And that's okay for now. It is healing.

I'm okay.

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